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A Series About Hope
It Ain't Over
When Ed Dobson was diagnosed with ALS, he was given 2-5 years to live. Not only did he realize that he was suddenly going to die, but the manner in which he would do so would be brutal; or as Ed says, “It’s not being dead I’m afraid of, it’s getting dead.” Surprisingly, however, “It Ain’t Over” is a film about hope. Ed does some remarkable things while “waiting to die,” and in the process inspires many to live.

"I didn’t want to go. I wanted to sit home alone."
Have you felt this way before in the face of adversity?
What happened? Did you overcome it?
Reflection Question's
"It’s not about how long I have left; it’s about how I spend the time I do have."
How do you plan on spending the time you have left, whether it’s one year or fifty?
What will you stop doing?
What will you keep doing until the end?
Reflection Question's
"And I realized that I was really dying because I had given up."
Have you ever given up? Have you ever felt like giving up?
What would you have missed if you’d given up in that moment?
Reflection Question's
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